Xavier Royer

I am currently a full time instructor at a William Penn University, a small private university in Iowa. I am the lone political science faculty member there. In my time teaching, I have already connected with an incredible cohort of students in ways I could never have expected. Partnering with SAGE will allow me the opportunity to help even more students across the globe navigate those tricky questions. When I am not on campus or writing for SAGE, I can be found playing golf or watching college basketball.

Articles By Xavier Royer

By: Xavier Royer — September 1, 2022
This article will offer four uses for those odd time windows that can help manage time and reduce stress.
This article will share some of the lessons I have learned with my own weird social science degree and from others who have been successful in the social sciences and humanities.
By: Xavier Royer — January 11, 2023
This article provides a series of questions to help those facing the conundrum of which minor to choose.
This article will look to give basic information on some of the new expenses students will become responsible for so students can begin wrapping their head around a new world of finances.
By: Xavier Royer — August 9, 2022
While students may experience it in unique ways, failure, to some extent, is inevitable.
By: Xavier Royer — November 21, 2022
Most students come to college with a few tools already developed in high school, but probably not enough to breeze through their university career. Students should be conscious of their current toolbox and always look to expand, refine, and improve it.
Midterms are an excellent checkpoint for students to stop, reflect, and evaluate the first half of the semester to increase their chances of success in the second half.
By: Xavier Royer — January 24, 2023
Every university system has a pyramid that begins with very large, broad entities that then breaks down into more specific programs and departments. This article will explain how all of this works.
This article we will talk about finding a daily driver for classwork and provide different use cases to help students identify what piece of hardware they should pick up as their own "daily driver."
By: Xavier Royer — August 9, 2022
This is the fourth in a series of articles designed for new students. If you are an incoming freshman or parent of one, you may want to check out my previous articles on registering for your first semester classes, how to spend your first week on campus, and a particularly good companion to this article, how to embrace failure.